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anuncio da spoon no s2ki
« em: 30 Janeiro 2014 - 23:10:51 »

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
"Please take good care of your S2000, keep it by your side for long and enjoy it from the bottom of your heart and share the quality and legacy of the S2000 with many friends so that the legend of the S2000 will continue for long." Shigeru Uehara,Chief Designer,S2000, 12th April 2009,Trentino, Italy

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Re: anuncio da spoon no s2ki
« Responder #1 em: 01 Março 2014 - 19:36:01 »
A minha garagem...até já tenho um estojo de ferramenta :D

Offline ruipga

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Re: anuncio da spoon no s2ki
« Responder #2 em: 02 Março 2014 - 14:29:32 »
ehehehhe isso é que era embora eu nao ache que estejamos mal servidos com a loja online de uk
"Please take good care of your S2000, keep it by your side for long and enjoy it from the bottom of your heart and share the quality and legacy of the S2000 with many friends so that the legend of the S2000 will continue for long." Shigeru Uehara,Chief Designer,S2000, 12th April 2009,Trentino, Italy